Is a board of members from 19 different countries that vote on the Standard of the Volpino Italiano and it's recovery from extinction. It's based in Italy and abides to the Standard set forth to/by the FCI within each country.
Antonio Crepaldi
Coordinator UMAVI
Board of Directors UMAVI / Consiglio Direttivo UMAVI
- Senior President: Fabrizio Bonanno for ATAVI (ENCI Official Italian Club)
- Junior President: Siiri Seesvaara for Finnish Club
- Junior President: Terralea Collins for North American Club Volpino Club of America (USA and Canada)
- Junior President: Suzanne Lindskog for Swedish Club
- Junior President: Ann Kingston for Ireland
- Junior President: Pia Kristiansen for Denmatk
- Junior President: Marga Wesemann for Netherland
- Junior President: Fernando Pomilio for Argentina
- Junior President: Stefano Gandini for Polish Club
- Junior President: Peter Machetanz for German Club
- Junior President: Anna Caetano for Swiss Club
- Junior President: Laila Koldingsnes for Norway
- Junior President: Nadezhda Shalyapina for Russia
- Junior President: Faith Whiteley for United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and North Ireland)
- Junior President: Chrisiida Tsimblouli for Greece